Wednesday, February 28, 2007

I like this song (but don't really get the lyrics).

I think the song could be even bigger if someone redid it today (not that it's an old song, nor too small). I am thinking about this song because of a King of the Hill episode I just watched. Well, I'd seen the episode before, so I wasn't really watching it. I was really grading papers. I am going through a King of the Hill phase that just won't end. I have three seasons on DVD. It's all I ever watch. EVER.

The song is Life in a Northern Town (heya mamama, heya a myeeya, heya mamama, heeeeeeeya ... Life in a Northern Town). The first verse is about the Salvation Army band playing while children drink lemonade, and the morning lasted all day. All day. Yeah, not so much. But it's a great little feel-good song that reminds me of my youth.

Collin and I went to Bison Witches yesterday for a beverage (and a break from work). It was definitely a break from the current norm, which is, Collin works all day, takes a quick break for dinner and then works some more, then goes to bed. I understand because I was once in grad school. This particular semester is really full for him, so it was nice yesterday that he took a break from the norm. I know he wanted to go work out, but I guess that's part of what marriage is all about ... putting another's desires before your own. I would love it if this were really natural for me.

Back to Life in a Northern Town ... is that song about a young man going to war?

Back to school: I've gotten a lot of grading done in the past 48 hours. This is good.


Thursday, February 15, 2007

Need More Coffee

I find myself more angry this semester when students aren't prepared. The thing that's crazy is that they have attitude with me when they're not prepared. I guess I've dealt with this for years, but sometimes I get more of it, and that's what it feels like right now. Maybe my patience has just run thin. As Mr. Strickland's wife, Miz Liz, would say, "My purse of forgiveness is empty." I guess my "purse of forgiveness" should never be entirely empty. And really it's not. I do care for these kids. But sometimes .... man oh man.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Yes, Why All the Editing?

At least one of you has asked why my blogs seem to disappear. The thing is, a few days ago I received an email concerned about my blogging, or, the pouring out of my soul. The concerns weren't without warrant. There is a lot of hype about employers looking at blogs, online predators, you know the story. This is all fair. But the thing is, I have this tendency to want everyone's approval, so when I read the email I immediately wanted to throw up and was pretty much depressed the rest of the day. Me being me, I directly logged onto Blogger and edited all of my non-picture blogs to "save draft."

Collin said he wasn't surprised I did that.

Today I worked on the mag (after taking care of the boys for a couple of hours this morning; I tell you I love them more and more every week). I got a lot of work done but wasn't able to mark off many pages as "done" because there's so much little work to do here and there. The mag that comes out tomorrow should be good. I'm happy about it. I think my "letters" harken back to the old days, when I was witty. I think I got bored by the end of last semester and just wasn't as "on." Well, friends, I'm on again. For now.